
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lesson Three: Getting Free Media Attention

Lesson Three: Getting Free Media Attention

For this marketing to work successfully, you must complete your media list from lesson two. 

Why spend good money for advertising when you don't have to.  Large corporations and businesses only have to mention their name and its instant sales, small businesses and independents aren't so lucky.

You can have the best product in the world, the thing that everyone wants, but if no one knows that it's for sale, you can hang it up.  The purpose of this lesson is to expose you to brick and mortar advertising.  I'm talking about the big three: radio, television, and print.  Even in this digital age, these three forms of media are still very, very popular.

To start, you have to ask yourself these questions, so you can pick the correct advertisers and define your 'target market'.  You don't want to push your rock cd to a jazz radio station.

1.    What is your demographic? (race, sex, income)
2.    Who is your target market for your product?
3.    Where will your product(s) be available? (online, local store)
4.    Can you tell others what your product(s) is and does without thinking about it?

You will want to target media sources with the highest listeners, viewers, or subscribers.

All you simply do is to send a press release to the station that is relevant to a product or service that they all ready use.  Include a cover letter with the press release that summarizes the press release, and briefly explains how they could benefit by including your product on their show, and they samples are available.

Include your contact information on both the cover letter and press release.  A sample press release is at the end of this blog.

Other Ways To Get Attention:

¨      Write an article or report that tells what sets your product apart from others.  Send the article or report to relevant businesses or organizations that uses or needs like products.
¨       Become a 'guest' on television, radio, and online shows.  E-mail a letter to the producer of a particular show, using the media list that you build earlier.  Be sure that you emphasize your product or service, and tell why it would be important to their viewers or listeners.  Follow up in a few days by telephone, online, or in-person.
¨       Host your own online movie or show that boldly uses your product(s) and put it on as many websites as you can.

Using one or a combination of all of these ideas is sure to get you noticed and get sales coming your way.  After all, that is the major point, sales.

Sample Press Release


Further Information Contact:
BD Manus ·

Writer BD Manus creates an ebooks that gives the under and unemployed hope for finding work.

Fort Worth, Texas, August 14 – BD Manus comes to the rescue of millions with is new ebook 60 Cost Free Ways To Make Money. That can help families struggling to keep their heads above water. In a country as great, mighty, and powerful as the United States, who would have ever imagined that millions of citizen would be out of work? The new ebook by BD Manus, 60 Cost Free Ways to Make Money is more than just ideas; it features sixty fully developed ideas that have a zero dollar start up costs.

Earning a living and making money is at the heart of the American society. If you can't earn a living yourself, then you are a nobody. A person should never be a nobody.

60 Cost Free Ways to Make Money contains truly unique and fully thought out ways to make money, such as:
_ Cash With Dried Leaves (p.s. it's not compost)
_ Classes You Can Teach For Profit
_ Five 'Services' That A Funeral Home Can Use

About BD Manus – He is exploding into the 21st century with more titles to help those out there that truly are in need. He publishes thought-provoking ebooks for all audiences. He is set to release seven titles this year alone.

Contact: BD Manus · ·


P.S.: Lesson Four Next Week

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lesson 2: Building A Media List

Lesson 2: Building a Media List

Whether you are a writer, artist, musician, or business owners, we all need positive media attention, without this attention, you will find that it is hard to get established.  Building a media list will help you get and receive much need positive attention.  Why write a press release if you don't have anyone to send it to.

Building a media list is not hard, in fact, you don't even need to know people in the media.  With this particular media list, you just collect the data that you will use later.

1.    To start, make a list of all the media outlets (television, radio, or newspaper) in your area or region.

2.    Then write down the names of some of your favorite reporters.

3.    Next, go online (or use a telephone book) and find the mailing addresses, tip line phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.  Write them all down in a notebook, in any order you wish.

4.    While you are still online, find e-mail addresses of the blogs and other online media outlets that you think would be interested in your story.

Congratulations, you have a successfully operating media list.  You can use a mass-email program to shoot your press release to media outlets in your area.

P.S.: Lesson 3: Getting Free Media Attention, Next Week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

List of eBooks I Have Written To Date

Current List of eBooks Available from BD Manus   


I am Manus Publishing, and I write and sell ebooks for people who are trying to get ahead.  From how to get a free car, free health care, to ways to make money, I can help you.  Most titles $0.99 - $4.99


Titles Available @ Amazon (

Foreclosure: How to Get Something Out of the Deal
$2.99 / ASIN: B009KQAO42 /

How To Get A Car For FREE!
$0.99 / ASIN: B009KQABHM

Grants & Loans for Students, Businesses & Non-Profits
$2.99 / ASIN:B009D0YKA

Source Dallas / FTW: A Resource Assistance Guide
$2.99 / ASIN: B0094KJAZ

1,016 Ways To Make Money When You Are Broke
$1.99 / ASIN: B008ZDNCZ4

60 Cost Free Ways To Make Money
$0.99 / ASIN: B008VUR8OW)

Private I: How To Find Information on Anyone for Free
$0.99 / ASIN: B008QBEB78

The United States Directory of Free Health Care, 5th ed.
$1.99 / ASIN: B008LCYR62

Titles Available @ Smashwords (

English & Spanish in one edition
$3.99 / ISBN: 9781301746460

Un Directorio de Asistencia del Recurso - Dallas y Fort Worth (Spanish Language)
$1.99 / ISBN: 9781301350070

El EEUU Directory de Libre Asistencia Medica para la Salud
(Spanish Language)
$2.99 / ISBN: 9781301085064
Creating Work
$0.99 / ISBN: 9781301850389
Las concesiones y los Préstamos para Estudiantes, los Negocios, y las poco Ganancias - más escribir la propuesta de concesión.
$1.99 / ISBN: 9781301702572
El Soldado Raso: Cómo Encontrar Información En Casi Cualquiera Gratis (Spanish Language)
$2.59 / ISBN: 9781301511334
Así Es Que Usted Quiere para el Trabajo en Casa (Spanish Language)
$1.99 / ISBN: 9781301156801
Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good
$0.00 / ISBN: 9781301080526
Your Health & Food Safety
$0.99 / ISBN: 9781301075546 
Do You Eat Insects?
$0.99 / ISBN: 9781301808120

Top of Form


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Series: Contacting The Media: Lesson One

Contacting the Media

Lesson One: How Can the Media Help You!

This is my newest 5 part series that will prepare you to make the biggest media presence ever, at no cost to you.  Whether you are a writer, business owner, photographer, or what ever your field may be in, a little extra positive media attention never hurt anyone.

When you say the word Media, I think everyone knows what that is, but trying to access the media can be a tough nut to crack at times.

How Can the Media Help Me?

As I stated before, the media can bring positive and negative attention to your business or venture, so you want to make sure that everything is on the up and up.  Any business owner will tell you that negative media attention; will all most kill a business.  To avoid negative attention, handle problems as they arise, pay your bills and employees on time, and treat your customers with the respect that they deserve, because if you have forgot, they are paying your bills.

One on one-product or business tryouts, where you get the media involved is best.  Stay away from testimonials, as it can be hard to prove if the person or persons knew you before hand.  The same goes with photographs and video, those can be retouched.

Over the course of the other lessons, I will teach you how to build a Media List, How to Make the First Move, How to Use the Attention to Get Sales, and How to Use the Media as a Stepping Stone.

Next Week: Building A Media List
P.S.: We are all of this train together, and we have to learn to support one another.  Maybe the information that I write can help you, and maybe it won't, but if I don't write it, and you don't read it, we will never know.
If you like a blog, please write a review.
-- BD

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Do You Eat Insects?

This is the title of the newest e-book by writer BD Manus.  In it, he explores why the greatest authority of the United States food supply, the FDA, allows insects in the food supply. 

We all know that restaurants have to be clean, or they run the risk of being shut down, but what most Americans don't know about their food supply will disgust, shock and horrify.  For the Beer drinkers, 1/4 of a serving of beer contains aphids, gross, right!  For the Coffee lovers, discover just how many insects were in your expensive cup of joe.  This is a must read.

Do You Eat Insects? / $0.99 /