
Monday, July 7, 2014

6 x 9 inch Word to PDF Book Conversion – Easy!

I am seriously like two months behind publication schedule trying to figure out how to convert a 6 x 9 inch formatted book so it will stay in the 6 x 9 inch format and not up convert to the 8.5 x 11 inch format, leaving blank pages. I downloaded and purchased nearly every PDF software I could get my hands on, but no luck.

After eight weeks of trying, I opened my manuscript in OpenOffice Writer to do some dabbling when something told me to look at the commands that OpenOffice has to offer. One stood out, 'export as PDF', three little words that would infinitely change my outlook for the better. I clicked on the command, clicked save, and then a PDF Options box appeared. Thank goodness for help manuals, because I need it to tell me what options I should select.

To make a long story short, when you find yourself facing a brick wall and being backed into a corner, use the things you already have as a way of solving your situation.