
Monday, March 11, 2024

New Paperback: Natural Phenomena in the Sky: Arcs, Halos, Rainbows, Sun Dogs & More


Natural Phenomena in the Sky: Arcs, Halos, Rainbows, Sun Dogs & More


Get answers to your most pressing questions of why natural phenomena in the sky exists, what features to look for and when and where to look.  Natural Phenomena includes photographs of each event this book covers and describes in detail the conditions required to form each phenomena.  

You will be amazed about all of the glorious things that the sky has to offer if you simply look up and look!

This book features:

  • Vadersolstavian (art work)
  • 22-Degree Halo
  • 46-Degree Halo
  • 120 – Degree Arcs
  • The Rare 9 & 18-degree Halos
  • Sun Dogs (Parhelia)
  • Parry Arcs
  • Parhelic Circle
  • Anthelion and Wegener Arcs
  • False Sunrise and Light Pillars
  • Circular Halos and Bottinger's Ring
  • Upper and Lower Tangent Arcs
  • Infralateral, Supralateral and Circumzenthia Arcs
  • Rainbows and Alexander's Band
  • 22-Degree Lunar Halo
  • Lunar Corona
  • Moon Dogs (Paraselene)

Color Photos